Prime Time little cigars are a special subject for discussions in a group of specially selected tasters

Lighting up these Prime Time little cigars, we admire the Vitolas by drawing in our imagination fields of green tobacco, or hearing the clatter of chavetas cigar knives through the walls of their manufacturing factory.

However, you must admit that very few people want to present themselves in a group of specially selected tasters who evaluate and discuss the Prime Time little cigars aromas among themselves in the conference room. Perhaps this is a completely unromantic picture. However, it is a vital part of the process that leads to the creation of the new Prime Time little cigars flavor, and ensures the consistency of traditional flavors in your favorite classic brands. It all starts at the moment when the manufacturer starts producing, outlining the tastes and aromas of the Prime Time little cigars. Of course, the institute itself has a clear idea of what exactly needs to be done, and where to look, in order to find tobacco for this type of cigar profile.

This is followed by a thorough and extremely lengthy process of testing and tasting the various mixtures for the manufacturing of Prime Time little cigars. The correctness of the selected tobacco blends is checked individually for each size of the new vitola created for the brand line. Then, for the final test, the very best rotators of the factory, which will subsequently produce the cigars, are selected. This is necessary to create a test batch that will go for final testing.

The institute’s role in innovating and maintaining the flavors of famous Prime Time little cigars goes beyond testing cigars and knowing where the best tobacco in the country is grown. The institute’s employees are part of a large apparatus that determines everything from the types of seeds allowed for the current tobacco growing season to participation in the assessment of the quality of the final product, including the leading export brands. Process managers closely monitor whether strict standards are met for the cultivation of Negro tobacco, the black tobacco that is the raw material for the production of Cuban cigars.