Have an advice of professional vitoliers to select Smokin Joes Filtered little cigars

The format of Smokin Joes Filtered little cigars affects the smoking time, strength, as well as the intensity of the taste. Long and thin Smokin Joes Filtered little cigars will be smoked for a long time, but their taste will not be as rich as a short but “thick” one. The pattern is obvious – in a cigar with a large diameter, more leaves and, accordingly, different types of tobacco are placed. Three smoldering leaves at the same time will give more flavor than one or two, and the overall range will be much more complex.

The most famous formats of Smokin Joes Filtered little cigars are: Corona is the most popular format in the world. Has a universal length and diameter. Smoking time is 90 minutes. The cigar of this format stretches well and fits well in the mouth. Churchill – as the name suggests, this format of Smokin Joes Filtered little cigars was Winston Churchill’s favorite. This format is longer than Corona, which means that smoking time is lengthened by 25-30 minutes. The palate remains flat throughout the entire smoking period. Robusto – translated from Spanish, the word robusto means “strong”. Smokin Joes Filtered little cigars of this format have a richer taste and aroma, but at the same time the cigars are stronger. Smoking time lasts 60 minutes. Pyramide – Smokin Joes Filtered little cigars of this format are wide at the base, gradually tapering towards the tip. The palate, as well as the strength, changes during the entire smoking period, so this vitola is suitable for the more experienced.

You can only understand which Smokin Joes Filtered little cigars you like by experience, perhaps you will come to the conclusion that strong cigars are exactly what you enjoy, or perhaps you prefer light vitolas that will help you relax after a hard day at work. Vitoliers from our staff will be able to guide you, and only you can find your way in the cigar world.