Juicy aromas of Bliss little cigars

Bliss little cigars are cigarillos with the flavors of apple, peach and strawberry. Each pack contains first class cigarillos. For decades, the Bliss little cigars brand has stood for the highest quality at attractive prices. Sweet cigarillos are a good proof. This well-rounded extract is carefully added to the tobacco mixture, which is completed by a first-class wrapper.

The aromas of high quality Bliss little cigars are very complex. Cigar connoisseurs really appreciate this variety of taste nuances. The aroma of tobacco is influenced by numerous other factors. In addition to the quality of the tobacco, both the manufacturing technology and the composition of the deposits, binder and wrapper are important factors for the development of the aroma. Every country has its typical characteristics, but Bliss little cigars are unique in their composition.

The peach aroma is sure to find lovers among cigarillo smokers. This fruity note is not often found on the market for small, flavored delicacies. The combination of peach with tobacco flavors is quite unusual at first contact and perhaps because of that it is interesting enough to be tried out. The sweetness of the mouthpiece and the lovely cold smell intensify at first. Peppery and sharper tones appear in the smoke. The pulling behavior of Bliss little cigars is flawless, as is the case with all representatives of this series. The burn is even and produces loose, dark gray ash. Bliss little cigars give us a smoking pleasure of about a quarter of an hour.

The sensors that are responsible for the sense of taste are located in the taste buds, which are located in different areas of the tongue. In the past it was assumed that the receptors for the different taste perceptions are located in different areas of the tongue, today it is assumed that the taste buds can perceive several taste qualities, but each has its preferences. This results in a very individual taste experience for each person, which is also determined by the number of taste buds, which fluctuates between 11 and 1000 per cm². This also means that we rate the same things differently in terms of taste. One and the same cigar can have an earthy aroma for one person and more woody aromas for the other.