Principes Chicos little cigars are ideal for getting started

Connoisseurs swear by their favorite cigar format of Principes Chicos little cigars. The perfect tobacco rod must have the ideal flavor and must not be too strong or weak. The Principes Chicos little cigars format is more appealing to those who are just getting closer to the field of cigars and want to try out the various flavors first.

With a length of 9.5 to 13 centimeters and a diameter of around 10 to 12 millimeters, Principes Chicos little cigars are much smaller than other formats. This also means that the smoking time with a Chicos is correspondingly shorter than with a Churchill, which allows the smoker to indulge in tobacco fumes for a longer period of time due to its large size.

On the contrary: the Principes Chicos little cigars format can only be expected to smoke for around 30 minutes due to its short length and thickness. The smoker can only be introduced to the cigar in peace and quiet and get used to the taste and aroma. In any case, the mostly mild aroma unfolds comparatively slowly, but continuously during the entire smoking process. The taste is retained for a long time and has a calming effect on the smoker.

But Principes Chicos little cigars are not only interesting for newbies, because they also offer many advantages to experienced consumers. On the one hand, the relatively short smoking time must be mentioned there. Where other tobacco sticks burn for 60 minutes or more, a Chicos is particularly suitable for short pleasure. In some situations you simply don’t have the time that a cigar normally requires, then the short but intense enjoyment comes in very handy.

But also the taste speaks for a cigar in Principes Chicos little cigars format, because the mild and gentle aromas are quite popular among smokers. Many appreciate the intense development of the individual flavor components. Also, only subtly spicy impulses are set without overdoing it in strength. For many well-known manufacturers, the format is part of their basic repertoire.