Top-smoke Cenicero NICA little cigars

The summer comes? We are prepared. The Cenicero NICA little cigars are again a smoke for all pleasure smokers, who do not want to do without a full aroma even with a smoke of only around 20-30 minutes. The Cenicero NICA little cigars are very spicy and that is from the start. This small and very fine cigar holds a very interesting blend, in which the beautiful H-Rosado wrapper was rolled over an Indonesian wrapper. This is an overproduction that lasted barely 12 months in Nicaragua on enjoyable smokers. How good that we have found them and can offer at this blast price!

Those who like to smoke spicy cigars and have not disdained the stronger Cenicero NICA little cigars, should quickly access it here: Because this special item is strictly limited and will not come back. A top-Smoke for a real bargain price with great bitter almond flavors that are unparalleled!

Cenicero NICA little cigars are so-called “sandwich fillers” and the tobacco used here has it all: This is namely this leftover tobacco and cut remnants of regular super-premium long filler cigar production, the usually from 17 € upwards over the counter and with us for only a third of the original price is to have. The processing is of course by hand and is excellent. You should not miss this bargain. Exclusively only with us!

To cut Cenicero NICA little cigars, do not use blunt scissors, teeth or a butter knife, otherwise you will tear the cigar. Just click on the head (or “cap”) of the cigar with the blade and leave it in this position. Do not cut yet.

Point the blade to the place where the cigar is in contact with the wrapper, which will keep the cap from falling. Cut the cigar in one motion. The purpose of cutting is to smoke a cigar without violating its original shape. Hold the cigar on one side and the guillotine on the other. Place the cigar head in the guillotine and cut the “cap” about 15–30 mm. Cut it off in one quick motion. If you cut slowly and carefully, you will most likely tear the wrapper.